The Battle of New Orleans 1815; The Black Experience
medium: stone and pigment relief
16" x 48"
Located at the
Historic St. James AME Church
222 N. Roman St. NOLA 70112
created in 20215 by Sheleen Jones
still editing
"Opening the Gates"
A Memorial to Alexander Pierre Tureaud, Sr.
A.P. Tureaud Sr. Civil Rights Memorial Park, New Orleans
"Opening the Gates of Opportunity" is a commissioned sculpture by artist Sheleen Jones, honoring civil rights activist and attorney A.P. …
"The Crusader" The Rev. Avery C. Alexander,
Southern Christian Leadership Conference board member, State Legislator and local civil rights hero. The statue depicted Alexander pointing toward the City Hall that he helped desegregate. In a well-publicized incident …
New Orleans Marching Brass Band by artist : Sheleen Jones
Location: Louis Armstrong Park, Treme New Orleans, LA.
The jazz funeral tradition is distinctively rooted in New Orleans, particularly within the African American community. Gaining popularity in the …
Allison “Chief Tootie” Montana
Louis Armstrong Park, Treme
New Orleans, LA
Sheleen Jones's commissioned sculpture of Big Chief "Tootie" Montana (1922–2005) celebrates a legendary icon of the New Orleans Mardi Gras Indian tradition that has endured for more than …
The HealingTree sculpture is situated in the courtyard of New Orleans East Hospital. It draws inspiration from the survivors of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, who bravely returned to rebuild their lives after the catastrophic flooding devastated homes, businesses, …
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